We provide housing in three private homes with private bedrooms for six to eight residents per home.
Residents live as a family unit, sharing meals and other activities. Each home is an attractive house in a residential neighborhood.
There is 24 hour staffing to provide whatever assistance each resident needs for normal activities of daily life. This includes meals, laundry, transportation, health care, medication assistance and general safety.
We facilitate access to other services which may be needed or beneficial to the specific resident. Medical, psychiatric, therapeutic, vocational and community inclusion services are just a few of the services which we can assist a resident in acquiring.
As important as those services are, recreational and leisure activities are equally so. Individual residents are assisted in developing their own skills and interests while constantly being encouraged to discover new things.
Family and friends are vitally important; staff assist residents to maintain relationships with those close to them while also encouraging the building of new relationships

Our Mission
United Friends empowers people with developmental disabilities to enjoy quality lives and experience the best of home, health, family and community.